
Some electricity markets in North America

PJM Reserve Markets by PJM (p103)

The PJM Reserve Markets provide PJM participants with a market-based system for the purchase and sale of the Synchronized Reserve, Primary Reserve, and 30-minute Reserve Services (“Reserves”). The PJM Reserve Markets are conducted in both the Day-ahead Market and Real-time Market processes. In the Day-ahead Market, PJM schedules Reserves on a simultaneously, co-optimized basis with Energy for each hour of the next Operating Day.

In Real-time, PJM procures Reserves on a simultaneously, co-optimized basis with Energy for each hour and each interval. Both the Day-ahead and Real-time Reserve Markets are offer-based and procure resources to meet the required Reserve Services:

PJM has three reserve products that can meet the required Reserve Services:

NYISO Markets by NYISO

Each of the NYISO-administered markets are interdependent and facilitate a different piece of the reliability puzzle :

  1. The Capacity Market secures commitments from supply resources to be available to meet seasonal resource adequacy requirements.
  2. The Energy Market secures electricity production to meet demand in real-time.
  3. The Ancillary Market secures flexibility services from suppliers to maintain balance in response to changing conditions on the electrical grid.

NYISO Operating Reserves by NYISO (p41)

Market by FERC

A venue where participants buy and sell products or services.

Usually there is agreement of product description and some standard terms to enable determination of value and price.

Market Structure by FERC

The rules, mechanisms, and processes under which a market operates to form prices, provide benefits, and introduce risks to participants, and ultimately end consumers. Structure could enhance or inhibit competition, create just and reasonable outcomes, provide economically efficient incentives, or introduce unintended consequences including adverse market outcomes.

Market Power by FERC

The ability of any market participant with a large market share to significantly control or affect price by withholding production from the market, limiting service availability, or reducing purchases.

Marginal Unit by FERC

Marginal Electric Generating Unit is, in organized wholesale markets, the price of the marginal source of electricity usually sets the price of the unit providing the next increment or decrement of energy, which price usually sets the price for all generation.