The addition or modification of facilities of the Transmission System.
Transmission Expansion by NYISO
A transmission expansion is the addition or modification of facilities of the NYS Transmission System that may be proposed or initiated by an Eligible Customer, including a TO, under Section 3.7 of or Attachment P to the NYISO OATT.
Transmission Interconnection Procedures (TIP) by NYISO
TIP evaluates the need for and identifies any Network Upgrade Facilities that would be required to accommodate the proposed transmission project.
The costs involved in the NYISO TIP process include
The basic steps of the TIP are
Optional Feasibility Study (OFES) by NYISO
OFES is an option of the Transmission Developer, its purpose is to provide information to the Transmission Developer regarding the feasibility of the proposed interconnection in advance of embarking on a SIS.
System Impact Study (SIS) by NYISO
The purpose of the SIS is to evaluate the impact of the proposed transmission project on the reliability of the NYS Transmission System and if study results indicate that the project, as proposed, would result in any adverse impact on reliability or violations of reliability standards and identify any Network Upgrades that would be required to mitigate any such adverse impact(s) or violation(s).
Facilities Study by NYISO
The main purpose and objective of the Facilities Study is to provide to the Customer good faith estimates of the cost and time to construct the new facilities identified in the SIS.